LNYSA will provide a refund to players who are fully registered and paid. For fall play, any request for refunds must be made before July 25. LNYSA will not refund player fees for any player who cancels after July 25. For Spring play, any request for refund must be made before February 15.
To cancel a registration and obtain a refund, please send an email to [email protected] & copy [email protected] - The refund process can take between 1-2 weeks from receipt of the required information listed below, depending upon how payment was made.
Parent Name
Player Name
Season Player Registered
Name of the Program/Division
Copy of Receipt
Reason for Refund Request
COVID-19 EXCEPTIONS - As we did for all registrants during Spring 2020 we will offer refunds if a Seasonal program can not be completed due to a COVID-19 related shutdown.