As the largest league in Laguna Niguel supporting over 1500 players ages 4 to 19 years, we supply a variety of equipment at the field to support the organization & the various age specific playing formats.
Each age group playing with LNYSA has a slightly different field and equipment setup from the mini-kickers to our travel teams. Below is offered as a guide on the summary of the equipment you should have at the field based on the age division of your player.
The field equipment should be setup before the first game and returned to the locker after the last game of the day. If you see equipment out on the field unattended please place it in the field locker or please notify us on 877-38-LNYSA (56972) or email [email protected]
If you find damaged equipment please report it to [email protected] so that it can be repaired or replaced..
LNYSA Mini-Kickers – Playing on a micro-field with dimensions of 20 x 15 yards (60 x 45 feet) , with cones in each corner of the field , 1 cone on each side of the centerline.
Goals: 4' x 6' Pugg Goals (each bag has 2 Pugg Goals)

LNYSA U6-U7 Divisions – Playing on a micro-field with dimensions of 20 x 15 yards (60 x 45 feet) , each field has 1 set of goals.
Goals: 4' x 8' Portable Goal (setup here) (takedown here) (PDF Setup Assembly Instructions here)

LNYSA U8 Divisions – Playing on a 7v7 format field with dimensions of 35 x 50 yards (105 x 150 feet) with flags in each corner of the field and cones to mark the build out line.
Goals: 6' x 12' Portable Goal (setup here) (takedown here)

LNYSA U10 Divisions – Playing on a 9v9 format field with dimensions of 45 x 70 yards (135 x 210 feet) with flags in each corner of the field.
Goals: 6.5' x 18.5' Fixed Goal, (typically this is a fixed goal and we don't use portable goals for these divisions)

LNYSA U11-U12 Divisions – Playing on a 9v9 / 11v11 format field with dimensions of 45 x 70 yards (135 x 210 feet) with flags in each corner of the field.
Goals: 6.5' x 18.5' Fixed Goal

LNYSA U13-U19 Divisions – Playing on a 11v11 format field with dimensions ranging from 56 x 105 (168 x 315 feet) with flags in each corner of the field.
Goals: 8' x 24' Fixed Goal

To report missing or broken equipment please notify the Operations team at Equipment